“Your course saved our marriage” 

Re:Desire: an in-depth, on-demand sex-life-transforming course (created by a trained sex therapist) without having to travel anywhere, take time off work, or wrangle with your (impossible) health insurer.

Increase your sex drive,
Tumble into bed together,
And make love in your relationship again.

(Zero judgement) is this your sex life right now? 

The only climax you desire right now is the bedgasm you have when you exhaustedly climb into bed for sleep.

You love sex - for the first few weeks or months at the start of a relationship. And then never again (please).  

You’d rather do the laundry than have sex, and when you and your partner do get down to business, you push through with all the enthusiasm of loading the washing machine. Just another thing on your endless to-do list.

Friday’s big work meeting. The milk you forgot to grab from the shops. If it’s time to fake your orgasm now. All things you worry about during sex because you’re just not present.

You feel like your sex life is somehow broken. You rarely fancy it, your sex drive is low, and you don’t understand why.

Every time your partner touches you, you secretly pray it won’t lead to sex. You might even feel more like companions than lovers.

If you’ve experienced any of these feelings in the past few months (or years)...

then even if you only read this sentence today, I want you to know: You are not broken, and there is a solution.

Keep reading, friend. 

You’re not alone and it won’t always be like this.

You’ve tried everything. Sexy lingerie. Romantic dinners. Fancy massage oils. All the sex toys (yes, even that yoni egg Gwyneth Paltrow recommended), all in the hopes of finding that illusive button that says you’re ‘ready and excited’ for sex. 
But nothing works.

You love your partner more than anything — but Netflix just dropped your favourite show, and (if you’re honest) you’d much rather curl up in front of the TV (without your partner’s wandering hands anywhere near you, thanks!)...It might even feel like you could go the rest of your life without sex.

You want answers. You want to understand why.
But more than that, you want to to learn how to increase sex drive and bring desire back into your relationship.

From “not tonight, love” to “one more time, love.” 

Imagine slipping between the sheets together after the kids have gone to bed because the last thing on both your minds is sleep. You want sex. Glorious, touch-me-again sex. 

After completing Re:Desire, my 9-month online sex course, there’s no more scheduling sex. No more ‘birthdays and anniversaries only’ sex. No more keeping track of “the last time you did it”. Because sex is part of your life again. A moment to be grabbed, anytime. 

You get what turns you on. You’re friends with your body again. No more anxiety and shame about sex. Just pleasure and peace. The way it should be.

Say yes to sex

"Leigh has helped my partner and I work with a sex drive issue that had been going on for several years. She encouraged us to think outside of the box with discussions and exercises that we would not have thought of ourselves. It was a smooth process which allowed us to pinpoint the root of the problem. I would definitely recommend Leigh to anyone with similar issues, she is a great listener and very easy to talk to."

- “Lisa” 35

"It feels like we’ve become so much closer now. I never used to feel up to it, or want to have sex. Now it’s an activity we jump on after putting the kids to bed. And physical intimacy with hubby just feels nice and like something I want (not pressuring like it did before, because I “didn’t want to encourage” sex as I wasn’t in the mood for sex at all). And I suppose my husband’s always been nice-looking, but now when I look at him I think he’s super hot and as sexy as anything!"

- “Hannah & Christian” 31-35

"I never used to feel up to it. Now it’s an activity we jump on after putting the kids to bed"

"I would definitely recommend Leigh to anyone with similar issues"

You’re ready to (literally) fancy the pants off your partner again. 


“Is it even possible to get my sex drive back? I’m afraid I’m broken somehow.”

“Sex just stresses me out and gives me anxiety … how can I get out of my head?“

“Why did I enjoy sex in the beginning… and now I never want it anymore?”


Together, we’ll get it back. 

Re:Desire is the sex education you wish you had at school—one where the only homework is bringing sexual pleasure and desire back into your home. 

Because helping solve sex problems with an online sex therapy alternative is what couples all over the world seek me out for. And I’d love to teach you how to increase your sex drive, too. 

I’m Leigh (she/her), your trusted sex coach and therapist.

I can help you want sex again.

For 12 years (8 as a dedicated sex therapist) now, I've been helping people like you to flip the script that says no sex (or very little sex) means something is wrong with you and your relationship.

I’m a social worker, trained therapist and clinical sexologist with a Master of Science in Sexology. 

My life's work is getting you out of your head and back in your body so you can enjoy sex, confidently connect to your sexuality, and relish melted marshmallow intimacy in your relationship again. 

And I help you do it all through Re:Desire. My 9-month, private-practice-wait-list-skipping digital program. 

I want this

I don’t want you to have to wait for help. This is sex drive support on demand. 

You don’t have to be an expert in sexological science, coaching or psychotherapy tools. That’s where I come in handy. All you need to bring to the table is desire. A real desire to love your sex life again.

Support delivered straight to your favourite device, so you can start working on your relationship right now (or after lunch, or whenever you fancy learning really).

"The past week has felt pretty magical. I feel so close to my partner and everything, including sex, has felt really easy and effortless. We had sex! Twice! This is life changing work.”

- “Charlotte & David” 41-47

“I just wanted to say that what you do, and your program, really helps. Thank you so much! Things have gotten so much better, and we have probably never been as close as we are now, both physically and mentally.”

- “Anna” 26

"We have probably never been as close as we are now, both physically and mentally.”

"Everything, including sex, has felt really easy and effortless. We had sex! Twice!”

"Since I’ve been implementing the techniques our sex life has been much better. After 2 1/2 months, I’m finally experiencing much less stress and anxiety around sex and my desire level is much better than it was. This program has truly helped me!°

- “Maegan”, 33

"My biggest win was experiencing arousal so easily that we ended up having vaginal sex twice in a day. This was on the day we did the couples exercise. Our discussions during the day were more emotionally deep than I can ever remember them being. The last time I experienced truly amazing vaginal sex was years ago so thank you for that!”

- “Grant” 40

"Finally experiencing much less stress and anxiety around sex and my desire level is much better than it was" 

"The last time I experienced truly amazing vaginal sex was years ago so thank you for that!"

Relight Your Fire.

Snuggle into sex with Re:Desire Self-study.

A 9-month online support course for people of all genders with a low sex drive.
An intimately designed 5-phase path to pressure-free, shame-free, stress-free sexual desire.

All the tools you need – all based on sexological science. 

Kick pressure and stress out of your bed and usher in butterflies-in-your-tummy desire for your relationship. Because you deserve it.

 Re:claim your sex drive

Re:Desire is commiting to good sex for life

Better Sex. Better Life. Better Relationship. For Good. 

More Intimate Than Your Underwear

Private Teaching Portal With Bite-Sized Lessons & Actionable Exercises

20+ short video & audio lessons, and lots of actionable tools and exercises (no-fluff guaranteed), created by a sex therapist specialized in low desire & mismatched libidos (me!). 

In Re:Desire we address everything from how sex drive really works, how to deal with anxiety and stress surrounding sex, how to talk about sex with your partner without losing it, how to increase intimacy in your relationship, and (of course) how to get your sex drive back. So you can truly revel in sexual pleasure and want your partner again.

The lessons are on average 10-15 minutes and the exercises are all to-the-point - in order to help you have more and better sex in the least amount of time as possible. All based on sexological science and my extensive experience as a sex therapist and coach.

Re:Desire contains both individual exercises and targeted couples exercises to help you get closer to your partner, reduce conflict surrounding sex, talk about sex, and increase intimacy and desire. 

Private Podcast Feed 

We're all low on time and tapped out  - which is why the full curriculum is also made available to you in a podcast app of your choice. This makes consuming the content in Re:Desire so much easier to fit into your day-to-day, because you can listen to it on the go, or while doing the dishes. It's also the perfect opportunity to refresh your knowledge on all your favourite teachings and tools. 

The Desire Dispatch

Intimate direct access to the same voice notes I've sent my 1:1 clients in the previous live version of my online program Re:Desire. Some of my best-kept secrets on how to increase desire and intimacy *without* pressure, and stress.

18 (and counting!) short and sweet episodes (3-13 min) to be consumed in a podcast app of your choice, filled with expert coaching on creating a stress-free sex life

Each voice note episode is based on common themes experienced by my clients where I help them shift and move past shame and stress connected to sex.

When you join Re:Desire, you get locked-bedroom-door levels of privacy and cotton-soft comfort 

Motivational Audios

Working on your sex life isn't always easy, and as Re:Desire is a self-guided course, it can be comforting to have a helping hand, guiding you through bouts of possible resistance - so you understand what's going on and what you can do to change it.

Access to a collection of 7 motivational audio recordings (4-14 min) to help you bust through resistance and lack of motivation if and when the going gets tough. So you can create truly stress-free sex and intimacy. 

70-Minute Bonus Q&A Recording

Get access to 7 questions from previous clients and my coaching on their queries as a series of stand-alone private podcast episodes: 

What role does scent play when choosing a partner?

How can I overcome embarrassment when letting go?

How do I navigate sensitive conversations about sex?

How can I get past the alarm bells in my body related to sex?

How can I keep my partner motivated to do the couples exercises?

How do I stop defaulting to 'no' and say yes?

What do I do when my partner wants things in bed that makes our sex life worse?

This module is a crash course on sex drive and teaches you everything you need to know. It includes:

Common myths, how sex drive really works based on sexological science, and what to do when arousal is a challenge

A quiz to help you work out how your unique sex drive works 

A couples exercise that guides you and your partner on how to talk about both of your sex drives and understand one another better.


How Sex Drive Works

Take a look inside Re:Desire Self-Study

This module is all about gaining a deep understanding of how your unique sexuality and desire works. Some of what it includes is: 

Getting to know your personal circumstances needed in order to increase your sex drive. 

A couples exercise on how to talk about your ultimate circumstances together with your partner and how to create them.
The number one way to reduce pressure and stress and how you can implement it in your relationship to instantly feel lighter.

An individual roadmap on how to proceed in the curriculum of the program.


The Desire Deep-Dive

This module is all about removing sexual obstacles. Part of it includes:

Information on common sexual misconceptions that lead to less sexual enjoyment, desire and intimacy. 

How to create more realistic sexual expectations 

How to become more present in the moment. 

A step-by-step couples exercise you can use for life on how to approach intimacy and sexual touch in a non-threatening and intimate way. 


Setting Expectations & Reducing Stress

This module covers everything you need to know about thoughts, feelings, physiological reactions and their connection to sex. Parts of it include:

How to deal with negative thoughts and emotions surrounding sex

How to break a negative sex cycle and create a positive one, so you can experience more intimacy and pleasure and less pressure.

A whole host of strategies on dealing with anxiety, shame & body confidence related to sex 


Thoughts, Feelings & Sex

This powerful module helps you connect with your sexuality. Parts of it include:

How to understand what turns you on and what you like sexually (even if you have no idea right now!).

An exercise on determining what you want your sex life to look like.

An exercise on how to connect with your body on your own and understand what kind of touch you enjoy and want.


Connecting With & Exploring Your Sexuality

This module contains several couples exercises that will help you and your partner connect sexually. Part of what it includes is:

An exercise on how to talk about things that turn you on - with pointers on how to express yourself, what to talk about, and how to set the mood right.

An exercise that helps you and your partner reignite that sexual spark 

An exercise on how to talk about sex in a fun and flirty way.


Couples Exercises to Increase Intimacy & Desire

This module is about tying it all together. Part of what it includes is:

The creation of an intimacy and desire action plan that ties it all together. It helps you set realistic and achievable goals and is tailoured to suit your unique sex drive and goals. 

How to sync your action plan with your partner’s and move towards a pleasurable sex life and relationship that you both want and deserve.


How to Create Your Intimacy & Desire Action Plan

This module is all about troubleshooting difficulties and problems and maintaining desire and intimacy. Part of what it includes is: 

The creation of a maintenance plan in order to keep growing together sexually, even after Re:Desire ends. 

Several resources to explore your sex life and create a deeper emotional connection with your partner.


How to Maintain Desire

This module is all about learning how to deal with a discrepancy in desire. Part of what it includes is: 

An exercise that will help the partner with low libido feel less like they're "only wanted for sex", and the partner with more libido feel like they're attractive again.

Strategies for dealing with different sex drive styles and how to meet each other's needs even if these needs are different.


How to Deal With Mismatched Libidos

This module is all about helping you get your partner onboard with Re:Desire and to do the exercises with you. Part of what it includes is:

How to talk about your low desire with your partner. The how, when, where and what to say to help them feel good about going on this journey with you.

Bonus module

How to Get Your Partner Onboard

This couple's mini-course helps you desire sex again by exploring various kinds of touch and erogenous zones. 

In this mini-course we cover the basics of genital anatomy, pleasuring techniques & different kinds of touch.

Also includes step-by-step couples exercises for both non-sexual and sexual situations - to ensure you infuse both your relationship and your sex life with more excitement again.


Exploring Touch

Give your relationship a chance to be sexy, stress-free and intimate again. 

You need practical, positive learning, and the kind of trustworthy exercises only an experienced sex coach and therapist can give. 

The         Phases to Stress-Free Sex & Intimacy



Laying the Groundwork For 
More Desire & Intimacy

This first phase is all about learning how sex drive works. With quizzes, worksheets and guided exercises, we map it all out so you understand what’s going on -- because you can’t get your desire back if you don’t know why it’s gone in the first place.

While laying the groundwork for increased desire you also get instant access to a quick daily exercise to boost your relationship throughout the duration of the program. The first phase ends with you choosing a personal path forward: tailored to your specific needs and difficulties. 


Removing Sexual Obstacles 

Phase 2 is all about working with expectations surrounding sex, reducing sexual stress and learning how to be present in the moment.

 You’ll work with thought patterns and feelings connected to sex and your relationship to really banish any and all obstacles that are standing in the way of your desire.

The powerful exercises in this phase will help you feel better about yourself, sex and your relationship – helping you create an environment in which your desire can come flowing back to you.


Exploring Your Sexuality

Phase 3 is the fun part – it’s where you explore your sexuality and body and work out what turns you on and how to create the sex life you want -- and deserve.

You’ll be figuring out which senses are the most important for your desire, what kind of touch you enjoy, what kinds of scenarios and ideas get you going, and what you find sexy and attractive about your partner.
It’s truly a transformational phase where you get in touch with what sex means to you and what you like sexually – in a safe space. So you and your partner can connect on a sexual level again and feel close. 


Creating A Desire & 
Intimacy Action Plan

When you’ve tried a whole host of exercises in order to remove obstacles and explore your sexuality -- it’s time to piece it all together.

This is where we get really specific on what’s needed moving forward: you create goals for your sex life and relationship, and create an action plan designed to increase desire & intimacy, while reducing pressure. A plan that's completely tailored to your own specific needs.

This is one of the most impactful and invaluable  parts of the course -- it really is a game changer in order for you to get your desire back and experience sexual intimacy. 


Maintaining Desire & Intimacy

In this final phase you’ll be focusing on how to make things even better, troubleshooting problems and creating a maintenance plan for the future.

And this is part of what makes Re:Desire so unique – because we focus on both getting your sex drive back and maintaining a great sex life and relationship. This way you’ll always know what to do in the future if you need to switch things up again.

 Re:claim your sex drive

"Before Re:Desire we had tried marriage counselling, date nights, lingerie, massages (all the things you mention in your training), but none of it really worked. We did the couples exercise twice last week and I’ve never been so turned on in my life! I also feel that we are emotionally are in a really good place and that the pressure on me has lessened. It’s like we’ve remembered why we’re still together and why we’re still in love after all these years!”

- “Maegan" 33

Re:Desire was the best investment we ever made, thank you for helping us get our amazing sex-life back! I loved this course and engaging with my partner during multiple exercises. Re:Desire brought us so much closer than I ever thought possible. When I contacted you, I felt such intense shame and guilt because of my low desire that I couldn't help but cry every time I thought about sex. If I'm ever struggling with these feelings again, I have the tools and my partner's support to get to a better place. Thank you!

- “Louise", 42

 "It’s like we’ve remembered why we’re still together and why we’re still in love after all these years!"

"Re:Desire was the best investment we ever made, thank you for helping us get our amazing sex-life back!"

Sounds like exactly what my relationship needs, but how do I know Re:Desire is right for me?

Re:Desire is the perfect fit for you if:

Re:Desire is not a great fit for you if:

You struggle to be present during sex 

You really want to get out of your head and into your body again while having sex with your partner. In Re:Desire you’ll learn the nitty-gritty of what presence during sex needs to stick around - and hone in on simple practises that will help you do just that. Because no sex is good sex when we’re focusing on lour to-do list or wishing it was over already. 

You avoid sex and maybe even general physical intimacy at this point 

You want to change your pattern of avoidance but without forcing yourself to have sex you don't want to have. In Re:Desire, we work on helping you get to place where you want sex. No tools or exercises provided ever stem from helping you have sex you don’t want, or forcing yourself. 

You want to understand why you have low desire and how your sexuality works on a deeper level. 

You can’t get your sex drive back (at least not in a sustainable way), if you don’t understand what’s going on and why. In Re:Desire we lay a strong foundation of understanding, so you know fact from fiction when it comes to sex drive, pleasure, and closeness – and use tools dedicated to understanding how your unique sexuality works.

You’ve felt desire in the past (even if it was aaages ago)

Re:Desire works best if you’ve previously experienced desire. Maybe you remember a particular time when you were younger, or perhaps your partner sent you swooning in the beginning phases of your relationship. This doesn’t mean you have to have experienced mind-blowing sex or ever have felt particularly comfortable about sex -- just that you’ve experienced desire at some point in your life.

You’re pursuing other relationships outside of your relationship or marriage

This program is designed for those who are experiencing low libido but who want to work on it and are committed to staying in their relationship or marriage for the time being.

You have ongoing mental health struggles or other illnesses that make everyday life exceedingly difficult - not just your sex life

While we work on a deep level by addressing things like emotions, thought patterns and your relationship, this is not a mental health treatment program. This does not mean you can't get your desire back if you have ongoing mental health struggles - it simply means you will need to prioritize those first, before jumping on a course like this. 

You and your partner resent one another or argue about everything

Re:Desire does help you with struggles and challenges in your relationship. However, it's important you and your partner have moments of feeling amicable towards one another because this course isn’t couples therapy.

Your relationship by no means has to be perfect, but you'll need some kind of relationship foundation to build upon in this program.

Have PTSD or symptoms of PTSD due to sexual assault

If you’ve previously been subjected to sexual assault and experience triggers surrounding sex, it’s important to seek help before joining Re:Desire. While we do touch on sexual assault in the program, Re:Desire is not therapy, which means the work needed to process previous experiences cannot be dealt with within the program.

You want to reduce the pressure, the stress, the worry around sex 

You’re not alone. After you’ve learned the foundations of desire, we will dedicate an entire phase specifically on how to get to a place where the idea of sex is stress-free for you. Before you even get to having sex again.

I will never throw you into the deep end and tell you to have sex you don't want - it’s not what you need.

You mainly want to learn new positions and techniques 

Re:Desire isn't about surface level stuff. While we do talk about different pleasure techniques and genital anatomy, as well as include exercises on how to make sex more pleasurable – in general, we're working on a completely different, deeper level here. B

Because if all you needed was a new position – you would probably have your desire back by now.

You're looking for a quick fix

Re:Desire is a 9-month course for a reason. It gives you all those tools and exercises you need to access your desire and have more and better sex. But if you aren't ready to dedicate any time or energy to the process – it won’t work. By joining the course, you’re committing to making the changes necessary, and just like other things in life that are important to you, you'll prioritize this course.

You'll have to have those uncomfortable conversations, you'll need to challenge yourself, and you'll need to put in roughly (only!) an hour spread out over a week.

But Re:Desire will help you turn those difficult conversations Into moments of intimacy and connection. And it will offer you comfort, and tools based on my extensive experience as a sex therapist specialized in low desire and accompanying pressure and stress.

You're in a monogamous relationship or marriage

Getting your sex drive back is possible, no matter what kind of relationship you're in. However, Re:Desire has been designed from the perspective of being in a committed, monogamous relationship. Therefore, exercises, tools and lessons won't be as applicable if you practise non-monogamy. 

To SUM UP: re:desire is an undertaking - but it's an undertaking that will change everything if it'S the right course for you.

"This course has not only increased my sex drive with my partner, but it’s also helped increase my self-awareness on many different levels - a very unexpected but positive side effect!"

- “Vera”, 53

This program was such a HUGE help! I practice the strategies and exercises every day, which helps me slowly get out of my own head and more into my body. I can orgasm again when masturbating! For the first time in 53 years I have also learned to take note of what I am actually feeling, which means that I no longer experience anxiety for hours and hours.

- “Peter” 36-40

"Not only increased my sex drive but also helped increase my self-awareness on many different levels"

"...helps me slowly get out of my own head and more into my body." 

If You’re Worried…

you’re too busy

If you can spare the same length of time it takes to make and eat your breakfast in the morning, then Re:Desire is the kind of easy breezy framework that’ll comfortably fit around your busy lifestyle (yes, even with a packed iCal, newborns, toddlers or door-slamming teens to contend with!).

Lessons are an average of 10-15 minutes long. Everything can be done on the go (on your schedule, not mine), - no live calls or lessons to squeeze in. 


I’ve had clients from 19-75+ on my books, so when I say age is just a number, I mean it. Aging can cause a dip in desire, but it’s possible to increase sex drive (even during menopause). As long as you’re willing and able to put in energy, and you’ve got a real desire to recover intimacy in your relationship, desire is totally possible for you.

you’ve been together for too long

A happy sex life doesn’t have an expiry date! Serious, long-term, committed relationships make up some of the best partnerships I’ve supported through Re:Desire. Some have spanned as long as 30+ years – so no, you definitely haven’t been together too long for this. My work is based on sexological science and experience. Your work is trusting the process. As with many things in sex, length really doesn’t matter! 

Self-Study is open!

Get your hands on a free 1,5 hr training people are calling "MIND BLOWING" & "100% relatable" about the science of desire in long-term relationships

Get all the info on Re:Desire, the fee, and lock in a 300 USD discount on the entire course fee when you choose to join

Get one complimentary, bonus month in ReDesire for a more leisurely paced path to stress-free intimacy.

1. Once you hit that big blue button below, you'll get an email asking you to confirm your interest in Re:Desire. Click "I want the training & savings!" and you will be taken immediately to the free comprehensive training & enrollment page.

The video is a 1.5 hour free training video - or podcast, depending on your preference (so you know everything there is to know about Re:Desire before joining). 

2. Your access to the training is totally free and completely confidential. If you change your mind after opting in below & don't want to enroll in Re:Desire, you can do that too (no hard feelings, promise!) 

Get your hands on the free training & savings

More & better sex (on your own terms) awaits...

    Use the form below to

    Your Life Before Re:Desire

    You and your partner never talk about sex and the few times you’ve tried, it never goes very well. 

    You can hardly remember what it’s like to be turned on and you stress out as soon as your partner touches you. 

    Sex feels like a spousal duty and you feel shame and guilt for never wanting to have sex anymore. 

    Your Life After Re:Desire

    You feel closer to your partner and enjoy sex together. It’s a source of pleasure - not pressure.

    You’re no longer afraid or nervous about intimate contact with your partner - you want it.

    You no longer feel ashamed or guilty about sex or your sexuality and sex drive. You feel normal.

    9 months of Expertly Curated Exercises without having to travel anywhere or take time off work.

    "This course has helped us start talking about sex in an undramatic way after 20 years together."

    - “Leanne” 30

    "(After just a month in the course) wins include having enjoyable sex with my partner, feeling grateful for my partner and having fun with him."

    - “Michael & lInda” 42-45

    "After several years of having problems and a total loss sex drive, I found Leigh and no longer felt alone. She mixes theoretical knowledge of the body and mind with goal-oriented exercises in a great way, which helped me have faith. The sessions helped me get to know my body, how it reacts, and to not feel hopeless, that my sex drive is actually there. Above all, she helped me become friends with my body again!" 

    - “James”, 51-55

    Your course saved our marriage. My wife and I had a marriage where she lost all interest in sex and intimacy and only saw sex as something that gives a quick oxytocin boost. No foreplay, no exploration of pleasure, no "pillow talk". There has been a metamorphosis! She now prioritizes her own pleasure and we're developing intimacy and desire together.

    - “Billie", 30

    "Your course saved our marriage"

    "Above all, she (Leigh) helped me become friends with my body again!"

    What’ll it be? 

    You can close this page right now and pretend we never spoke about this.You can keep doing what you’re doing, and maybe things will change and you’ll get your sex drive back again. It’s a gamble, but it’s possible. 

    Or you can take the next 9 months to focus deeply on your relationship, sexuality and emotions so you can get out of your head and find body-tingling sexual pleasure again!
    The choice is yours.

     I’m ready for deep work!

    get me outta here

    Re:Desire has been a GREAT help in every way possible and my situation with my husband has greatly improved. We had a strained relationship before joining the program. Still loving but distanced in bed and no romance. No touches outside of sex and irritation if anything seemed like initiating sex. Now there's more enjoyment during sex, less pressure and most importantly increased general wellbeing. We have reached a level of understanding and communication we couldn't have reached without your work. I am forever grateful for the program!

    - “Marie”, 51

    "Before Re:Desire I was completely uninterested in sex. My sex drive had gradually gotten weaker and weaker. We didn't talk about it. I had a hard time explaining how I felt and didn't know how to bring it up with my husband. He didn't say much about it either and it was there as an unresolved issue between us.

    If we hadn't sought help we probably would have gone our separate ways. Instead, we've become closer than ever. I've gotten better at being in the moment, both when it comes to sex and at work. I even sleep better. Nowadays it's easy to trigger my sex drive! I've noticed that I actually have a sex drive and every morning I can turn that wonderful feeling on. Just walking around and feeling turned on is absolutely wonderful."

    - “jen" 32

    "Before Re:Desire I was completely uninterested in sex. We've become closer than ever and nowadays it's easy to trigger my sex drive!"

    "We have reached a level of understanding and communication we couldn't have reached without your work I am forever grateful for the program!"

    I Bet You’re Wondering 


    Getting your desire back isn’t like pushing a button -- it’s comprehensive work but it’s work that is well worth it.  The program has been designed to help you learn how to increase your sex drive and then maintain it, all by understanding it. This is why it’s not a quick program, because it's not a band-aid solution. It's the whole, holistic solution and approach. 9 months is needed to lay the groundwork for a great sex life and relationship -- not just for an initial increase of desire!


    Re:Desire is an on-demand, online sex course, with both solo and couples exercises. The program is geared primarily toward the partner with low desire. However, the program has been designed with the intent that you’ll be including your partner in various exercises in the curriculum. Whether you do this right from the beginning, or a few weeks or months into the program is, of course, completely up to you. 


    No. Most of the exercises and tools you’re given are done using worksheets to help you reflect on sexual obstacles and negative thought patterns -- as well as turn-ons and things you enjoy about sex. Couples exercises often center around talking about sex, emotions and intimacy. There are a few exercises that are about touch and desire but the exercises are never designed to “make” you have sex. Re:Desire is all about reducing the pressure a lot of people feel to have sex -- not adding to it!

    Sounds good

    No. Most of the exercises and tools you’re given are done using worksheets to help you reflect on sexual obstacles and negative thought patterns -- as well as turn-ons and things you enjoy about sex. Couples exercises often center around talking about sex, emotions and intimacy. There are a few exercises that are about touch and desire but the exercises are never designed to “make” you have sex. Re:Desire is all about reducing the pressure a lot of people feel to have sex -- not adding to it!

    Don’t just trust me — trust my clients. 


    Leigh has the ability to lead you down a path you knew existed, but couldn’t find on your own. Our sessions together have made me feel strengthened, and I’ve been given tools that I use daily to help further cultivate security within myself and my sexuality

    - Solange

    "Leigh has helped my partner and I work with a sex drive issue that had been going on for several years. She encouraged us to think outside of the box with discussions and exercises that we would not have thought of ourselves. It was a smooth process which allowed us to pinpoint the root of the problem. I would definitely recommend Leigh to anyone with similar issues, she is a great listener and very easy to talk to."

    - “HANNAH & CHRISTIAN” 31-35

    "I really love your style of supporting us. I am so glad that I found Re:Desire. I just wanted to say that knowing you only for a while, and just connecting you by voice, I can say that I feel like you are a very close friend to me. Probably the support and understanding you provide and also sharing things with you which I did not tell anybody in my life. Thanks a lot for doing this." 

    “Lilly”, 44

    "Wins right now: we kept talking even though there were some rough spots and we have communicated our desire for sex when we are in bed, which has led to very intimate and fulfilling sex! I wish I had been willing to communicate years earlier" 

    - “Rob”, 32

    "Last week we had sex four times...which was amazing. I don't think we have done that in a long time. Also we went over your response to the last exercise, and we talked about it for a long time. It was an emotional time, and we bonded really well over that conversation". 

    - “mindy", 53

    "Last week we had sex four times...which was amazing."
    "Wins right now: very intimate and fulfilling sex!" 

    "Before Re:Desire we had tried marriage counselling, date nights, lingerie, massages (all the things you mention in your training), but none of it really worked. We did the couples exercise twice last week and I’ve never been so turned on in my life! I also feel that we are emotionally are in a really good place and that the pressure on me has lessened. It’s like we’ve remembered why we’re still together and why we’re still in love after all these years!”

    - “Maegan" 33

    Re:Desire was the best investment we ever made, thank you for helping us get our amazing sex-life back! I loved this course and engaging with my partner during multiple exercises. Re:Desire brought us so much closer than I ever thought possible. When I contacted you, I felt such intense shame and guilt because of my low desire that I couldn't help but cry every time I thought about sex. If I'm ever struggling with these feelings again, I have the tools and my partner's support to get to a better place. Thank you!

    - “Louise", 42

     "It’s like we’ve remembered why we’re still together and why we’re still in love after all these years!"

    "Re:Desire was the best investment we ever made, thank you for helping us get our amazing sex-life back!"

    "I felt" “broken” because he wanted intimacy (sex to him), and I wanted intimacy without the sex part. We had tried marriage counseling a couple times, but were never able to come to a resolution. Your positivity and encouragement have been a blessing, and we are very grateful.

    The exercises and your voice notes brought us together on the whole subject, and although extremely difficult in some areas, it helped us to talk about things we had never verbalized. We were better able to understand where we were each coming from. We talked through, honestly, where some of our deepest feelings had been misunderstood. It helped us to be more vulnerable, and open about our relationship and our habits. My husband was unaware of how he was making me feel pressure and stress, and he worked hard to show me that wasn’t his intention, but that he loved me. He wanted to be close, but I was shutting him out." 

    - “Lilly”,44

    "I have started to feel less pressure and stress around sex. I turn my focus solely to how I can enjoy sex more. I am not faking any more, during sex I really try to enjoy it.

    For the first time in our life we have started to talk about sex, what we like and what we do not like. The frequency of the sex is not improved yet but for sure the quality is increased. I have an orgasm most times we have sex.

    Joining Re-Desire is one of the best decision I have ever made. After 45 years I have started to enjoy sex. The exercises and Leigh's advice helped a lot to ease the process and remove the stress around this subject. Leigh's approach is always very calming, re-assuring and encouraging."

    - “Belinda", 65

    "After 45 years I have started to enjoy sex"

    "My husband was unaware of how he was making me feel pressure and stress. The exercises (...) brought us together on the whole subject"

    "Me and my partner have always been able to talk about everything, but we still experienced a slump when we had kids. I experienced problems with my body and sexuality after childbirth.

    This course helped us push past our difficulties and blocks. A few months in sex feels nearly 100% exciting, fun and intimate again. Thanks for this course :) It's helped us a lot." 

    - "Karen", 31-35

    "I have gotten better at initiating sex, maintaining my erection a bit longer and having a good sexual experience, with my wife having two to three orgasms before I have my orgasm, the frequency is about once a week. I have gotten a bit better at talking with my wife and not avoiding painful conversations (I'm an Avoider), and I have gotten better at not fighting back/criticizing/arguing with my wife."

    - “Angela”, 27

    "I've got a better grasp on my own and my partner's desires and sexuality now. There's way less stress and pressure around sex, and we're communicating about it so much better. Overall, I just feel happier and more at ease. This program has also allowed my partner to understand me better and why I've been struggling with intimacy for so long. It's definitely brought us closer together."

    - “Archie", 65

    "There's way less stress and pressure around sex. I just feel happier and more at ease"

    "Gotten better at initiating sex, maintaining my erection a bit longer and having a good sexual experience"

    "The course has helped me to understand and accept myself and my desire. It has been an eye-opener to join the course and I have so far learned a lot and found an acceptance with myself, which has led to increased desire".

    - “Lawrence”, 51-55

    "This program treats you with so much respect. You don't need to change who you are, the tools in the program are created to fit who YOU are." 

    - “Carly" 31-35

    "This program treats you with so much respect. You don't need to change who you are"
     "Found an acceptance with myself, which has led to increased desire"

    "We have better communication about sex.
    My partner is already approaching me differently about sex in a way that I’m receptive to"

    - “Nathan”, 44

    "Nobody will ever regret joining Re:Desire, no matter what, you will get so much out of the course. I should have done this course years ago, if knew what I know now."

    - “Morgan", 35

    "Nobody will ever regret joining Re:Desire"

    "My partner is already approaching me differently about sex"

    "When I joined Re:Desire I wondered if I might be asexual. After the program I feel more connected to my husband and I feel like we’re thriving as a couple.

    There have been major strides with pleasure on my end and being open to trying something new. It’s resulted in us finding a miracle that makes me have an orgasm typically under 90 seconds. And that’s been amazing and worth the whole investment of the program on its own! I don’t even feel guilt or shame anymore if I need something to turn me on, and I am giving myself compassion for whatever I need. Thank you so much for all of your support through this."

    - "John" 70

    "Before joining Re:Desire we had little/no sex life - and I was always 'in my head' - performance focus. I wasn't connected with my partner which I didn't even realise before joining the programme. 

     Now there is less pressure, more intimacy and sharing - openness. I'm more tuned in to my partner. If you're thinking of joining Re:Desire - just do it - you will feel the benefits."

    - “michelle", 48

    "When I joined Re:Desire I wondered if I might be asexual.  After the program I feel more connected to my husband and I feel like we’re thriving as a couple"
    "If you're thinking of joining Re:Desire - just do it - you will feel the benefits."