No fluff - just life changing stuff, based on Sexological Science, Psychotherapeutic Methods and Best Practices.
With The 10-Page Desire Test you receive help in taking that first step towards an increased sex drive, by understanding your decreased desire.
Want to understand how sex drive actually works
Want to know the answer to the question why your sex drive has disappeared or diminished
Want to take the first step towards an increased sex drive and a better sex life
The 14--Page Intimate Q&A gives you access to an exercise that helps you keep your emotional and sexual relationship alive.
Wish to share your feelings and thoughts about the important stuff in life so you can bond with your partner and let your love grow
Wish to be more vulnerable with your partner and increase intimacy
Want to talk more about sex but don’t know how to (this guide gives you the questions and take’s the guessing game out of it).
A pop-up, private podcast with bite-sized episodes on how to get your desire back.
What you need to know if you have no desire and want to get it back (25 min)
The 4 ways you can start getting your desire back today - actionable advice (20 min)
And the nitty-gritty on my online course Re:Desire (20+ min)
Talking Sex is a 5-page resource that teaches you how to talk about sex without conflict.
Want tools for better communication and more intimacy
Want to work through misunderstandings with your partner, both about sex and other issues in your relationship
Want to learn how to take responsibility for your emotions about sex and learn how to get them across in a respectful way
The 13-Page Guide for Intimacy gives you access to tools that help you increase the shared intimacy in your relationship - with or without sex.
Wish to get closer to your partner/s again and feel a stronger sense of love and belonging
Wish to increase the emotional intimacy in your relationship
Want a more active sex life and need help in broaching this subject with your partner/s
Want to improve an already healthy and happy relationship
A Manual For Emotions is a 6-page long resource that gives you the tools needed to understand the connection between sex and emotions and feel better.
Want tools to understand your true emotional needs and the connection between sex and emotions
Want tools to help you pinpoint what you’re feeling, what you need and how to deal with your feelings.
Want tools to help you feel better, both in your sexuality and in general.